Went to a matinee of My Sister's Keeper today. (Yay for cheap matinee prices!)
I wasn't expecting much of this movie at all to be honest, I never envisioned the book would be made into a movie (although no shocker really, considering Jodi Picoult's mass popularity.) I also wasn't expecting Cameron Diaz to be particularly good in this role. I think she's great, but I didn't know how I felt about such a well-known star being casted in the movie adaptation of the book.
Well, Cameron really impressed me as well as probably the first 90% of the movie. There were a few huge omissions from the book throughout, but the end killed it for me. I don't want to give away anything so I'll leave it at that. I think those who haven't read the book will enjoy it more than hardcore Jodi fans who are expecting something more from the movie. The ending is acceptable but I was disappointed with some changes that were made
On that note... unless you have a heart of stone like me, bring LOTS of tissue. I shed a few tears, but my fellow movie attendees were sobbing. I think I broke when I traveled.
♥ Callah