♥ Callah
Quebec City
Ok guys, Quebec City pics only tonight! I have studying to do.
Ok, I'm sneaking in this Ottawa pic- my cousin Chantal and I saw a light and sound show which was basically promoting everything Canada has ever done or had. For the tourists! Parliament did look gorgeous all aglow.
This woman clearly didn't want the paparazzi shot! Old Upper Town, Quebec. (I later ate at that pub right head on in the middle of the shot. Beer = $$$!)
at La Citadelle.
Gorgeous boardwalk shot. Before trudging up 310 stairs to be precise!
Right outside my hostel.
So pretty!
the free Cirque du Soleil performance. AMAZING!
Why yes, I AM hanging by my neck only.
Hello down there!
I have to say, I've never seen a church with TVs before in all my travels.
♥ Callah
♥ Callah